Earth Day: Thursday, April 22, 2021

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“If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.”
~Rachel Carson

We hope you will join us in celebrating Earth Day this week, and all year long as well. 

Our program's commitment to embracing nature as a critical component of overall wellbeing, living, and learning is one of the many reasons parents have chosen the CEC for their child and why our fantastic staff has elected to work here. The CEC's history of this approach harkens back to our founding in 1979 and continues today. Whether in our children's programs or through our pioneering Outdoor Classroom Project, we advocate for creating strong connections with nature. We know this idea is prominent in our day-to-day activities when we see children respectfully explore the environment, learn to care for the living things found there and find wonder in the simple beauty of natural elements and phenomena. As parents and caring adults, we have a unique and excellent opportunity to provide children with access to the natural world. When we do this, we support the development of a deep and lasting love that will impact their lives and those of future generations as well.

Plant a Love of Nature in Your Kids

Six Ways Nature Helps Children Learn

Earth Day is an annual day of recognition that honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earth's natural resources for future generations.

At the CEC, we celebrate the Earth and the natural world each day through our dedication to supporting children’s innate need to live and learn in nature. We are committed to fostering a deep love and understanding of the natural world, and helping children grow toward embracing greater levels of environmental stewardship as they mature. In short, we know that caring for something creates a desire to protect it, and our environments and curricular approach gently instill appreciation and wonder for creatures, trees, flowers, clouds, birdsong, and all that surrounds us. We see children’s connections to nature growing every day: babies discovering the texture of leaves and rocks; toddlers exploring the properties of water; young preschool children observing worms and bugs when they turn over a rock; older preschool children witnessing the spring nesting behavior of birds and recording their observations; and school-age children working together to raise funds for the purchase of more than 600 tree seedlings to be planted in burn areas after a wildfire.

Ultimately, we want to help children embrace their inner-connectedness to the greater world and supporting their burgeoning awareness and knowledge that they will be able to make a positive impact through care and activism. We fervently hope that a love of the natural world roots and blooms within them and will nurture their spirit throughout their lives.

Check this publication each week leading up to Earth Day for information, resources and ideas for ways you can support your child’s leaning and environmental awareness.

The benefits of environmental education for toddlers | Earth Day 

Lisa Cain-Chang

Lisa Cain-Chang is the Children’s Programs Director of the Child Educational Center


COVID-19 Update: April 20, 2021


Seeing the World with New Perspective